Brinn products are machined and assembled in a 117,000 square foot manufacturing facility that is certified ISO 9001:2000. Our engineers have designed and manufactured custom racing and aftermarket automotive and OEM applications.
Engineers and Staff
We provide a full array of machining capabilities along with assembly, packaging, warehousing and shipping services. Our full support staff is available to handle your engineering, manufacturing, quality and customer needs.
Pro-Series Patent
Best known for its 2-speed circle track racing transmission, Herb Brinn designed and still builds the very popular and durable Brinn transmission used for short track racing. Brinn Inc. also holds a patent for the “Pro-Series” transmission that is marketed as the lowest rotating weight transmission on the circle track market.
Modeling in a 3D Environment
Brinn Inc. uses Solid Edge 3D model software. Modeling in a 3D environment greatly streamlines the design and manufacturing process. Other advantages are integration with CAM programs, revision level tracking, part images and streamlined advertising of products.